“Data is everywhere in Physical Education……but it is nowhere to be found !”

Introduction to the Challenge by a PE teacher (Joseph Leblanc)

The Problem with Traditional PE Data Collection

Introduction of TicTacLap


TicTacLap innovative approach aims to make Physical Education more engaging, interactive, and efficient by bridging the gap between traditional PE practices and modern technology. By offering affordable, creative, and user-friendly solutions, TicTacLap enables teachers and students to enjoy a more dynamic and productive learning environment.

Group or team management during class is a skill mandatory for PE teachers”

“At school our budget is limited and we cannot afford costly tools just for PE “

“Data analysis and visualization are too time consuming when you have 14 classes with 200 students per week

“I have around 10 apps on my phone that I use for my daily teaching all year long”

“My main tool in PE is google sheet or excel to manage groups, teams and assessment”
